Are You Checking These Items to Ensure Your Cats Safety?

De-clutter is the latest word in trend. You declutter your home by removing unnecessary items and trash accumulated over a period. Similarly, for every cat parent, it becomes important to throw or replace items from your house, which may prove to be hazardous to your cat’s health and life.

Cats are great explorers and like to take note of anything they come across. You surely have seen your kitty roaming and exploring all the corners of the house looking for something more precious than gold. However, what adds strain to your mind is the probability if your cat swallows something harmful. This can pose a serious threat to the health of your feline.

Cat’s Safety

Therefore, make sure that you get rid of the following items so that you can afford to allow your kitty move more freely in the house and environment.

Ear Plugs Lying On the Floors
Earplugs may look small but are harmful if swallowed by cat. They are small and often found lying in the rooms or places where a cat can easily reach. These small sized materials can easily be swallowed by a cat and thus cause life threatening intestinal problems in a cat. Such trash swallowed can lead to diarrhea in a cat.

To avoid such a scenario, make sure that no trash is lying on the floor of the rooms. Keep the earplugs in a box and out of reach from your feline.

Plastic Bowls
Plastic bowls for feeding your feline tends to lose its material after regular use. Thus, the deteriorated plastic material can mix with the food served to her, which can cause digestive problems in your cat. Take necessary steps to replace plastic bowls with stainless steel or metal bowls.

Expired Medicine and Food Supplements
Medicines having gone beyond their expiry date should be thrown out, as they are not effective anymore. In addition, you should visit your vet whenever your cat gets ill, instead of trying any old medicine stored by you.

The same thing holds true for expired treats and food items. If you give these expired eateries to your cat, then surely it will create digestion issues.

Old Litter Box
Cats are very particular about the litter box they use for defecation. Ideally, you should clean the litter box regularly and replace it by every six months. If the litter box is already worn out or scratched heavily by your cat, then it is time to replace the old one with the new one.

Used Grooming Equipments and Old Accessories
This is very important. We often forget to replace the old grooming items of our pet with the new ones. The old items such as toothbrush, toys, etc are worn out due to long-term use and can cause various health issues in your cat. Therefore, buying new grooming accessories for your cat becomes mandatory.

Similarly, you should also replace the old flea collar such as serest collar of your cat with the new one. Ones the product loses its efficacy, ensure to replace it as soon as possible in order to prevent any flea or tick infestations.

Replacing the old things with the new ones looks like a tedious task. However, knowing the threat these old worn out items pose to your cat, it becomes liable for you to throw them out and buy their new replacement. At the same time, do not forget to put your cat under the protection of flea preventives to ensure her overall health and wellness.