Debunking Myths About Heartworm Disease In Dogs

facts about heartwormers

Heartworm in dogs is a potentially fatal disease in dogs if left untreated. There are many myths and misconceptions regarding heartworm disease in dogs. That’s why we today we’re going to bust these myths by sharing facts about heartworm disease in dogs.

Myth 1-Heartworms are Contagious

Heartworm disease is spread by mosquito bite. When an infected mosquito bites a dog, it injects microscopic larvae known as heartworm larvae into their bloodstream. The larvae mature within the mosquito and are transmitted to another animal when the mosquito bites them. Fortunately, heartworms cannot spread from one animal to another.


Myth 2- A Home Remedy Will Protect a Dog From Heartworm Disease

Home remedies are undoubtedly healthy when used correctly. Every pet parent might have tried using numerous home remedies in order to protect their Fido from heartworm disease. However, it is crucial for pet parents to know that no natural treatments, home remedies or insecticides made with all-natural ingredients can be as effective as heartworm preventives. This is because no home remedies have proof of effectiveness.


Myth 3-It is okay to Not Give Heartworm Preventives to Dog

Though heartworm disease can be detrimental to your dog’s well-being its treatment is more painful. Treatment for heartworms in dogs is a very painful and expensive process. It’s a hardcore treatment for your furry companion with where the treatment is done through multiple injections. Moreover, the diagnostic test and treatments required to cure heartworm disease can cause other permanent changes in the dog’s body.


Myth 4-My Pet’s Fecal Test Result was Negative, so she doesn’t need a heartworm test

As the names suggest, heartworms don’t target your Fido’s intestine. The fecal test and heartworm test target different parasites and serve different purposes. The standard fecal test targets hookworms, tapeworms, whipworms, roundworms which are the parasites that live in the digestive tract of the dog. Heartworms live in the heart, lungs and surrounding blood vessels. Hence, veterinarians administer a separate test to detect heartworms in dogs.


Myth 5-A Dog’s Thick Fur Will Protect Him From Heartworm

Many pet parents believe that there’s no way a mosquito can bite their pet due to the thick fur and coat. It is a common misconception that a dog’s thick fur and coat protects him from getting heartworm disease. But the truth is that mosquitoes bite the dog where the fur is thinnest. Often the thick-coated dogs are at risk of getting a mosquito bite on their legs or belly as mosquito will find the dog’s soft inner belly and skin where the fur is thinnest.


Myth 6-Indoor Dogs Doesn’t Need Heartworm Preventive

Pet parents whose dog prefers to stay indoor might be thinking that their dog is not prone to get heartworms. But, it’s the disease-carrying mosquitoes that can haunt your pet no matter indoors or outdoors. Therefore pet parents shouldn’t assume that your pet is protected just because somebody that doesn’t venture outdoors much and provide your pet with heartworm preventives regularly.


Myth 7-Heartworm Prevention Is Expensive

There can’t be anything as expensive as the pain of seeing your pet going through a lot of pain. The treatment of heartworm disease is a lot expensive as well as painful. Therefore, pet parents should know that it’s less expensive to prevent heartworm disease in dogs to treat it. The monthly heartworm preventives are cost-effective and also provide your pet with a better quality life.

Now that we have debunked these myths about heartworm disease, you know that testing and prevention is critical to your dog’s health. However, ensure to consult your vet about how to best reduce the chances of your dog being infected with heartworms.